Creative Solutions.

WHAT does your target audience think
when they think of your brand? ARE they thinking of your brand?


  • Corporate Image / Branding (Branding)

    Branding is a critical component of advertising & marketing. It aims to create or strengthen a brand image, the name of a website or business, with creative symbols of a logo and colors.

  • Web Design

    Having a nice card and a wealth of marketing materials is one of the best combinations for any business. Many times there is something missing in this equation: An informative website, smart and aesthetically pleasing. 

    All this produces one single result - SUCCESS.

  • Web Hosting

    Our hosting accounts and accommodation, for high quality, are currently the most successful service and better value for money in the market. Our technology gives you the quality that your site requires.

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Consulting

    To make the search engines know your web site, satisfying the needs of the user and obtain a unique position among the multitude of responses, requires good content structure, simplicity, relevance & accuracy.

  • Print & Editorial

    Creating an ad for publications such as magazines or newspapers, we must know not only the product in order to transmit their characteristics, advantages and innovations, but also the type of publication and the segment to which it is addressed.

  • Outdoor & Transit

    This kind of advertising is a valuable addition to any advertising campaign launched in other media: television, radio, newspapers, etc. In this sense, outdoor advertising works as a good reminder of the messages released in other formats and most importantly, reiterate them.

  • Audio Production (Radio Spots)

    You have products and services that promote, and brand building. What are the key factors to consider in increasing the effectiveness of radio advertising? And how can you calculate the impact of radio in your business?

MediaKoncepts, founded in 2001, is a small boutique design firm that caters to all Small to Mid-sized Businesses [SMB]. Our aim is to help develop brands and set these businesses on a course to success by providing the best designs, advertising and web consulting for those on a reasonable budget.